Advice | Best Books to Start Reading as a Freelancer

At such a turbulent time in our lives, I see everyone turning to procrastination and eventually education. This enthusiasm to up-skill is a great way to pass the time whilst preparing ourselves for the unknown.

I personally believe that constant improvement of your knowledge and skills can lead to success. It's about the small incremental improves that form into big steps toward success.

My favourite thing to do is read about business leaders and philosophy. It's not the most common practice for a beauty professional but hear me out.

Our freelance life is a business. We talk to thousands of people a year and interact with so many personalities. We overcome a mountain of obstacles and hurdles that break us down both mentally and physically. No one prepares us for this. The only way we can prepare is by learning from people who have experienced it before. Those who have lessons to teach have fortunately written it down for us in one way or another.

Most people in the beauty world don't talk about their journey. Nor have they written about it. You may hear a fraction of their journey but rarely do you hear about their struggles. That's what I look for. Every success is a result of failures and overcoming obstacles.

So where do I go to? Apart from business biographies, philosophy books teach us a great deal about people and ourselves. We need to equip ourselves with the right skills to handle strong personalities and difficult situations. Philosophy books give us that insight.

These are my first 3 books recommendations for your isolation time. They may not be your conventional non-fiction book, but I guarantee you'll find them interesting. Ryan Holiday is a writer of this generation. Incredibly easy to read, conversational and concise, making what you might find boring philosophy interesting. Get past the fact it's not about beauty. Find similar scenarios or people you can relate to. You'll be surprised at what you find about others and yourself.

Obstacle is the Way - Ryan Holiday

All about your mindset on overcoming obstacles. Finding a way through it and following your path.

Ego is the Enemy - Ryan Holiday

This is about your ego and how it can affect how you live. It's also about other's egos and knowing how to navigate their world.

Stillness is the Key - Ryan Holiday

The last one is about yourself. What you need to do to find stillness in your busy life. A must if you have constant chatter when you try to relax.

I’d love to know any of your recommendations too!