MUA | Product Breakdown: Kira

Welcome to the first of many blog posts detailing my journey as a makeup artist. A lot of the times, we look at social media and stare in awe at some of the amazing artistry that you see in your feed. What I find missing from our social space is the natural, clean, glowing beauty that enhances the skin and the contours of our faces. None of that full coverage, matte, contour the heck out of your face and add a blinding highlight nonsense. 

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How To | Navigate Skin Types

Its common to hear about a skin type and think that it actually is yours too. I'm totally guilty of it myself. The day came when I learned that I wasn’t a combination/oily skin type and that, whoa surprise, I'm a dry gal. You should have seen my reaction. I want people to actually know their skin and not listen to someone talk about theirs and just buy the products they buy. So here's my little rundown of how to navigate skin types

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